iCombi Pro.
The new standard.
This is me. I'm new. I am experienced, think, learn, forget nothing, watch and adapt. I know the desired result, adapt the humidity, air speed and temperature automatically. Thanks to my intelligence, I will dynamically respond to your requirements. Has the cooking cabinet door been open too long? Is the steak thicker than usual? Are there more chips than the last time?
I will automatically adjust the settings and deliver your desired result. Time and time again. With extreme efficiency. After all, that's what my intelligence is for.

Forget space-consuming cooking appliances and let the iCombi Pro do the work. On less than approx. 1 m2. Meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and baked goods. À la carte, catering, delivery service and casual dining. High levels of productivity, due to the co-operation of the intelligent assistants. With powerful air circulation and dehumidification, iDensityControl generates 50%* more productivity with around 10%* shorter cooking times. It also delivers consistent and uniform results. At the same time, the intuitive operating concept provides the highest level of user support and less chance of errors. So that production can simply keep on going.
* Compared to the previous model.
For you this means higher performance, which saves time and money. Adding more to the flavour.

Life in the kitchen: the stress and rush to get everything ready at the same time and on time. A logistical challenge whether using pen and paper or software. No more. Because now the iCombi Pro with the iProductionManager are taking over: Simply place the dish on the display and it will show you what else you can produce at the same time. You only have to specify whether you want to cook with time, or energy efficiency. The system will monitor each rack individually, so that the cooking times are adjusted intelligently to the quantity and desired result. You decide if you want the food to start cooking at the same time, or finish cooking at the same time. Either way, the iCombi Pro will tell you when something needs to go into the cooking cabinet - et voilà, the food is ready.
Save the logistical expense, streamline production and minimise personnel expenses. While maintaining the same quality. The kitchen of the future, quiet and without hassle.

Grilling any quantity of food will leave behind stubborn dirt, meaning that the iCombi Pro cannot immediately be used to prepare other dishes. Well, no longer. Including the ultrafast interim clean in approx.12 minutes, Which means you can then quickly move onto cooking the broccoli, without any flavour transfer or unpleasant smells. And when it comes to spotless hygiene at the end of the day, the iCombi Pro will tell you exactly how dirty it is. You decide whether to run an eco, or standard clean. With Descaling. Overnight. With 50%* less chemicals. Phosphate free and always super clean. The iCombi Pro can note your preferences and will show you the corresponding cleaning program the next time.
* Compared to the previous model.
With iCareSystem, you save on cleaner, water and time, it also leaves the unit squeaky clean in terms of hygiene, operating costs and the environment.